Position(s) currently open at the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences:
Institutional Research Associate (Postdoctoral) – to focus on marine geospatial analysis and planning.
Assistant Professor: Sediment Transport – to develop and maintain a vigorous, externally funded research program in the dynamics of sediment transport.
Research Associate (Post Doc) – to work on scientific activities related to life history variations and management strategy evaluations for commercially harvested marine fish populations in sub-arctic and temperate seas.
Assistant Professor, Cartography and Geovisual Analytics – a colleague firmly grounded in geography to conduct research, teach graduate and undergraduate courses, and advise graduate students in cartography and geovisual analytics.
Assistant Professor, Natural Hazards – to conduct externally funded research on natural hazards and their spatial interactions with human lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Geospatial Analytics, Climate Change Adaptation, and Coastal Processes – to conduct education, outreach, and research to characterize vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change as related to security and coastal processes, and specifically to assess vulnerability with respect to infrastructure, economic sectors, geographic areas, population groups, and ecosystems.
Instructor Pool 2015-2016 – Instructors may be needed to develop and/or teach courses, either on-campus or Ecampus in the following areas: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Geographic Information Sciences, Marine Resource Management, and Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.
Assistant/Associate Professor, Remote Sensing and Ocean Circulation – to specialize in applying, developing, and improving satellite remote sensing capabilities to study mesoscale and large-scale ocean circulation.
Assistant Professor, Tracer Oceanographer – to develop and maintain a vigorous, externally funded research program in the observation of trace species in the ocean, and interpretation of distributions in the context of resolving ocean processes.